Thursday, May 29, 2008

Week 6

This week we have finalized the method that we would use to create the safety videos . Classifying the videos by their courses would be a great separation, as one student from a single course would require to view only 1 video.

We have also sourced out a few videography programs. After obtaining the program, we would try out with all of them and choose the most appropriate one.

We also did a research on the different types of labs. However,since this is a school to provide a safe place for knowledge and education to be shared, there are many safety precautions already taken. Hence, most accidents are spared except for a few occasional and common accident.Examples are cuts;burns;slips.

we would be coming out with our content list for each course as soon as our we complete our assignment(S) during this week.

Here are some photos taken:

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